The door opens into a festive open area where several tables and chairs stand, decorated with flowers and ribbons colored with purple, blue, and white. Many guests already occupied the seats, filling the venue with air of cheer and delight amongst themselves.

The celebrant is surely loved by a lot of people!

Your company leads you to a seat not too far from where the centerpiece stood—a three-tier cake designed with classy and careful intricacy. Beside the cake are plates of pastel-colored sweets, like macarons and cupcakes topped with colorful drageés.

You make yourself comfortable on the plush seat provided for you that you didn't notice your company taking his leave to meet the newly-arrived person.

Please click on the image of your current company.

"Ah! Eichi onii-chan!" Hajime smiles, making his way to the Hatter. "I'm glad you were able to make it!"

"How can I miss your birthday? Hajime-kun, you know that I would never do that." Eichi puts his arms around Hajime in a warm embrace. The latter lets out a small squeal, but soon relaxes into Eichi's arms. Eichi smiles, patting Hajime's hair gently.

"Happy birthday, Hajime-kun. I'm very thankful that I am able to be with you on your special day."

Eichi pulls away with a fond gaze to the younger one. "Continue being the way you are because we all love you for everything that you are, okay?"

Hajime wipes away the tears that formed in his eyes, giving Eichi a sweet smile. "Thank you so much, Eichi onii-chan!"


"Haa-ku~n, found you~" Ritsu slings his arms over Hajime's shoulder from behind. "Mhm. Mhm. Good boy, Haa-kun. You've been eating good food lately, haven't you? Your blood smells rea~lly tasty today. Can I have a bite?"

"Hyah! Ritsu onii-chan!" Hajime turns around, meeting Ritsu's face which is inches close to his own. "P-Please don't joke around like that~"

"Hehe~ I'm just kidding." Ritsu leans his head sideways, making himself comfortable over Hajime's shoulder. "You're not working on your own birthday, are you? I'll be mad if you are." Ritsu frowns.

"I'm not! Even if I wanted to, everyone would just push me away from all the tasks. It makes me worried, actually…"

"Geez, Haa-kun. This is your day. You should just sit back and let yourself be spoiled, okay?"

Hajime chuckles. "Haha. You sound like Eichi onii-chan~"

"Ehh~ don't compare me to that guy. I still haven't forgiven him for pouring hot tea on my foot the other day.

"Anyway..." Ritsu properly stands up, smiling at Hajime as he pats his head. "Happy birthday, our dearest Haa-kun ♪ Even if you're always spoiling me—acting like you're the big brother between us—don't forget that I am still your onii-chan, okay? You can always rely on me wheneveeeer you want to.

"Because Haa-kun is a good kid that deserves a loooot of good things." Ritsu leans closer, giving Hajime a soft kiss on his forehead. "Remember that, 'kay?"

Hajime smiles with a light blush on his cheeks, nodding at Ritsu. "Thank you, Ritsu onii-chan!"


"Hajime-chaaaaaaaan!!! Gyuuuuu~!" Mitsuru runs and tackles Hajime with a hug which the latter thankfully manages to catch with stable footing.

"Mitsuru-kun! Where have you been?" Hajime pulls away from the hug, inspecting Mitsuru's face. "Are you okay? Your face has some scratches, you know?"

"Ah! I didn't even notice! Ehehe~"

"Geez. You should be more careful, okay?" Hajime produces a light blue-colored bandage from his pockets, sticking it properly on the wound that particularly stood out. "This one is quite big so I covered it for now. Later, I will tend to your other scratches, okay?"

Mitsuru nods vigorously. "Anyway! Enough of that!" He comes back into their big hug. "Happy birthday, Hajime-chan! I'm glad you're my friend, you know?

"Hajime-chan is always so kind and gentle! You always take care of me even if you don't need to!

"That's why today is my turn! Ehem~"

"Hehe. It's nothing, Mitsuru-kun." Hajime smiles, arms returning the bunny's hug gently. "I'm very very glad you're my friend, too."


"Tomoya-kun!" Hajime waves meekly as he walks towards Tomoya. "You're quite early, aren't you?"

"I didn't want to be late. It's your birthday after all!" He smiles, handing Hajime a small yellow box topped with a quaint red ribbon. "Happy birthday, Hajime."

"Ah! Thank you so much!" Hajime smiles.

"Wait. Don't open it yet. Open it when you're home." Tomoya smiles shyly.

Hajime chuckles. "Okay then!"

"Uhm... I'm really glad you're here, Hajime." Tomoya looks around the venue. "A lot of people have come to celebrate your day. That's great, isn't it?"

Hajime nods.

"That just tells how much you're loved, Hajime." Tomoya smiles, taking Hajime's hands in his. "But even after all of them, remember that I will always be here beside you no matter what happens.

"So whenever you feel lonely, you can always take my hand like this and I'll always hold it back gently, like you always do."

Hajime's lips curl in a gentle smile. "Mhm. I'll do that, Tomoya-kun. Thank you very much."


"Shino~noooon~!" Subaru grabs Hajime from behind, lifting him up. "Hell~o!!!"

"Wa—" Hajime turns his head a bit, and he sees a familiar shade of orange locks and blue eyes staring up at him happily. "A-Akehoshi-senpai!"

"Haha~! Shinonon, you're so light! It's always fun to lift you up!"

"Akehoshi-senpai! It's embarrassing~" Hajime turns his body around with the help of Subaru. He quickly puts his hands on Subaru's shoulders, chuckling merrily. "I'm glad you made it!"

"Of course! Who do you take me for? I'm Shinonon's number one fan!" Subaru chuckles proudly. "I cannot miss your birthday!

"That said, happy birthday Shinonon!" Subaru finally puts down Hajime, but his hands don't leave Hajime's hips. "You're sparkling sooooo brightly today too!"

"Not as much as you do!" Hajime puts his hands over Subaru's. "Akehoshi-senpai, you're always shining so bright like a star!"

"Then we're both shining stars in the sky! I'll definitely be beside Shinonon's star!

"That's why keep on shining! I'll always support you as your number one fan after all~ ☆"


"Tori-kun!" Hajime's expression lights up upon seeing Tori. "Waaah~ those are such pretty flowers!"

"Right~? I picked it up earlier with someone!" Tori smiles, lifting the basket up. "This is all for you so take it gratefully, okay?"

Hajime takes the basket in his hands. "Of course!" He quickly puts it down soon after, opting to hold Tori's hands instead. "Thank you so much, Tori-kun!"

Tori blushes a bit, eyebrows furrowing and biting his lips to conceal his embarrassment which doesn't really help in any way. "Y-You're welcome. It's your special day so…"

Tori gulps.

All of a sudden, his grip on Hajime's hands tightens as he leans closer, putting their intertwined hands between their chests.

Hajime's eyes widen, cheeks mirroring the blush on Tori's cheeks. "U-Um…?"

"I'm proud that you're my friend!" Tori's voice comes out more aggressive than he intended, but he didn't even notice it amidst his nervousness. "That's why you should be proud of yourself too! Got it?!"

"Ah— Y-Yes!" Hajime blurts out.

They both fall into a fit of laughter.

"Ugh. Talk about nerves."

"Fufu. You did well, Tori-kun~"

"Shut up..." Tori huffs, but smiles anyway. "Happy birthday, Hajime~"


"Hajime-chin! I'm here!" Nazuna waves at the Hajime who was fiddling on one of the tablecloths.

"Ah! Nii-chan!" Hajime smiles, quickly making his way to Nazuna.

"Geez. Why are you working on the tables? Aren't you supposed to be today's protagonist?" Nazuna reaches out for Hajime's head, patting it gently. "That's a no-no!"

"Ah, no! I was just looking at it. I promise!"

"Haha. Is that so?" Nazuna beckons Hajime closer. "Come here!"

Hajime tilts his head, but comes closer anyway. He squeaks a bit when Nazuna pulls him into a big hug.

"Happy birthday, Hajime-chin!" Squeeze. "I'm really really glad you were born!"


"I will always, always be proud of you and how far you've come." Nazuna smiles. "My precious kid. You're all growing up so fast."

"But remember that you're still a kid, so it's okay for you to be spoiled sometimes, okay?"

"You don't need to be afraid that we'll cast you aside if you do. Because we accept eeeeeverything about you."

Nazuna pulls away and smiles fondly at Hajime. "Anyone who says otherwise will get their asses kicked by me!"

Hajime chuckles. "I will remember that, Nii-chan! Thank you so much for being my Nii-chan ♪"


Soon, a festive band of Wonderland residents fills the whole venue with joyful and lively music. All of the guests stand up, clapping and swaying along with the blissful symphony prepared for Hajime.

The said celebrant is gently pulled towards the center, led by a hat-wearing fellow in a lighthearted dance. Hajime's face is filled with the utmost glee as he follows the lead, hopping and moving around so he can dance with everyone. Maybe the sweets gave him endless energy for today!

His eyes widen a bit once he's on your side—perhaps because of surprise of an unfamiliar face on the crowd—but he gently takes your hands into his and starts swaying your arms together.

Despite the unfamiliarity, Hajime happily leads you to an unrehearsed dance. You can't help but shake your head and just go along with the celebrant—and everyone cheers once you start dancing along with the cheerful music.

As soon as the dancing mood dies down, the music shifts in an all familiar tune for the celebration. Everyone starts singing along with the joyous tune, wishing the celebrant a very happy birthday. You take the liberty to join along the huge carol of the crowd.

Hajime stands in the center with a fond gaze and a soft smile, looking around at everyone who spared time to celebrate his special day. His heart is filled to the brim with nothing but gratefulness and happiness—not only for this day, but for the fact that he is able to stand here amidst the people who love and cherish him.

After the song, everyone blows flying kisses towards Hajime—and suddenly, several purple hearts appear all around him! Hajime chuckles heartily, watching the hearts hop and dance around him. With the most cheerful voice he could muster, he says:

"Thank you so much, everyone!"


Writing and art:

Characters and backgrounds:
Ensemble Stars
BGs courtesy of @gradualcolors' assets

Site: and their 50-element limit which caused me to use 4 carrds for this project


You may send any feedback here because OP is a sucker for comments:

Thank you so much for playing the game!